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Design For Less
Design For Less
an interior decorating company located in South Portland and owned by Robin Desjardins-Davis. With a creative eye and passion for taking what you already have and bringing it to the next level, Robin and her team of professionals can make the process less painful ..
392 Sawyer Street
South Portland, ME 04106

  • Services

  • Pricing for Services
  • Midwest Staging Redesign Institute
    Home Stager, Styler, Color specialist and Trainer ,
    GraceAnn Simoni, the Midwest’s premier award-winning real estate staging expert, has 17 years’ experience training industry professionals and helping residents enhance the resale value of their homes. She has since trained hundreds of individuals in Staging and Redesign
    1400 Deep Run Rd
    Naperville, IL 60540

  • training
  • Marie Kelly Unlimited
    Patricia Marie Kelly
    Interior Decorator
    801 W. Algonquin Rd
    Algonquin, IL 60102
    Patricia Marie Kelly
    Unending Compliments, Unique Floorplans and Staging Inetrior Design
    Mary Anne Conover
    Interior Decorator
    409 Rowland Drive
    Port Deposit, MD 21904
    Stage to Stay Interiors
    Mollie Sterr
    Interior Decorator
    643 Rivard Boulevard
    Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
    Let's Talk Interiors
    Let's Talk Interiors
    Let's Talk Interiors: You’ve been living in your house for 8 months or even 28 years and the whole house needs an update. Overwhelming to many, but at the same time the hope of turning it from a dark cave into a sparkling jewel can be exciting!
    12 Robb Road
    Beverly, MA 01915
    Let's Talk Interiors
    Margaret Carter Interiors
    Margaret Carter Interiors
    A refreshing interior designer who has just entered the Washington DC market. Open, communicative, and friendly—she approaches design from both a highly professional yet personal manner.
    900 N Daniel Street
    Arlington, VA 22201
    Renew,Redo, Redecorate
    Interior Decorating, Redecorating and Home Staging
    A full service Interior Decorating firm. Our services include: Color Consultaion, Window Treatment Design and One-Day Redecorating.
    131 Long Hill Road
    Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510

  • About Us

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  • Interior Decorating, Redecorating and Home Staging
    Joysong Creations
    Joysong Creations
    Joysong Creations is one of Southern California’s freshest home staging and redesign businesses. Owner, Joyce Anderson, is a certified interior redesigner and home stager, and proud member of the Real Estate Staging Association, and Interior Redesign Industry Specialists.
    14071 Evening Primrose Place
    Chino Hills, CA 91709
    Joysong Creations
    Los Angeles-based boutique design firm offering a full range of interior and exterior design services. Whether you require a complete house remodel or something as simple as a few new furniture pieces and a fresh coat of paint,
    16250 Ventura Blvd, Ste 455
    Encino, CA 91436

  • Services
  • SH-Interiors
    Eco Chic Interiors
    Residential and Commercial Interior Design
    Where Eco Minds Meet Chic Designs. Avoid costly mistakes that delay a project. Working with our professional design team will take your vision and turn it into a reality. Our variety of design packages and services will fit any budget. Call us to find out how we can give you back your weekends.
    1160 Hooksett Rd
    Hooksett, NH 03061

  • Home Page
  • Residential and Commercial Interior Design
    Bogisich Inc
    Ludie Reichel
    Interior Decorator
    0285 Scottie Trail
    East Murphystad, SC 57480
    Huels, Doyle and Crona
    Leopoldo Green
    Interior Decorator
    1052 Rodriguez Station
    Plano, LA 10846
    Jackson Thomas Interiors
    Christine Estep
    Interior Decorator
    4324 New Town Avenue, Suite B-1
    Williamsburg, VA 23188
    Bartoletti, Pollich and Goodwin
    Cole Farrell
    Interior Decorator
    1277 Romaguera Forge
    Yonkers, HI 06716-7301
    Karen Cowan Interior/Exterior Design Consultant
    Karen Cowan Interior/Exterior Design Consultant
    After graduating from Dallas Fashion Merchandising & Interior Design College over 30 years ago, I consider myself a "Seasoned Interior Design Consultant" ... It's a job I love!! I'm always striving to blend the "old" with the "new" and connect the indoors with the outdoors whenever possible
    107 E. 2nd St.
    Georgetown, TX 78626
    Farrell, Sanford and Gerlach
    Jaiden McKenzie
    Interior Decorator
    241 Shyann Port
    Oceanemouth, SC 85903
    Delicious Decors
    Professional Home Staging & Interior Design
    Delicious Decors is on the forefront of home staging, interior design and photography. Our commitment to you is to provide excellence in both service and results.
    Garden Street
    Santa Barbara, CA 93101
    Professional Home Staging & Interior Design
    Eliana Interior Design
    Interior Designer Paso Robles CA
    Interior Design, Interior Designer, Interior Designs, Interior Decorator, Interior Decorating, Interior Decorators, Paso Robles, CA, California, SLO, San Luis Obispo, 93446
    612 12th Street, Suite 204
    Paso Robles, CA 93446
    Interior Designer Paso Robles CA
    Hodkiewicz LLC
    Micah Gulgowski
    Interior Decorator
    49230 Pollich Turnpike
    Lawton, IN 75968
    Collins, Rohan and Langworth
    Hugh Reynolds
    Interior Decorator
    122 Luella Ranch
    East Michelleberg, IN 99032
    Kling, O'Reilly and Boyer
    Kellen Zboncak
    Interior Decorator
    1564 Major Estate
    North Edgartown, WY 01343
    Eco Surface Designs
    Eco Surface Designs
    Since 1998 we have been developing styles of finishes that stand up to the most discerning eye. The primary finishes in the early years were interior faux techniques and some textures. We were quickly invited to expand our techniques to the outdoors and give our most dedicated and eager clients a total resurfacing.
    1012 carol dr #6
    West Hollywood, CA 90069
    Eco Surface Designs
    Mann - Kris
    Lucius Waters
    Interior Decorator
    74669 Thiel Plains
    Devanport, WA 39366
    Kemmer Group
    Sabina Hirthe
    Interior Decorator
    00160 Richmond Burgs
    Kovacekhaven, TN 24600-2397
    Corwin, Bruen and Price
    Ansley Langworth
    Interior Decorator
    5850 Daisha Islands
    Emardbury, WY 00714-7805
    Maria Claudia Moreno
    A fresh company with innovative ideas, integrated with highly qualified staff ready to provide you with fabulous design solutions to make your projects come true from the beginning to the end.
    Coral Ridge Dr
    Coral Springs, FL 33071

  • Facebook
  • Maria Claudia Moreno
    Johns - Miller
    Giovanna Trantow
    Interior Decorator
    608 Alden Extension
    Nedraburgh, OK 90407-7457
    Robel, O'Conner and Heller
    Talia Hammes
    Interior Decorator
    3566 Walter Loop
    West Freddyshire, CA 08883
    Cummings, Padberg and Little
    Jordane Stracke
    Interior Decorator
    9460 Kiehn Turnpike
    Eddieshire, CO 25315-9440
    inDecor-etc., Inc.
    Elisa Soper-Thomas
    Interior Decorator
    12732 Flamingo St
    Minneapolis, MN 55448
    Karen Gallagher Interiors
    Karen Gallagher interiors Creating extraordinary spaces for clients with distinctive taste.
    25 Hazel Lane
    North Yarmouth, ME 04097
    Satterfield - DuBuque
    Joaquin Walker
    Interior Decorator
    4485 Britney Orchard
    West Elenafort, MI 98064-3603
    Lemongrass Interiors, LLC
    casual :: coastal :: refined
    Serving the Panhandle of Florida, Lemongrass Interiors provides professional interior decorating services and specializes in coastal and beach home decor. Our team also has over 12 years experience with new construction projects and is adept at guiding clients through the process.
    PO Box 382
    Apalachicola, FL 32457
    casual :: coastal :: refined
    Bogisich Inc
    Dorian Hauck
    Interior Decorator
    35348 Bernice Drives
    North Thaddeus, AL 33718-3821
    Kunze and Sons
    Linda Rice
    Interior Decorator
    177 DuBuque Station
    Waipahu, ME 64109
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     Interior Designers/Decorators

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