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Interior Designing & Decorating

Interior Designing and Interior Decorating have both been used interchangeably as a same concept, however both of them exhibit a distinct difference and the ideas that they relate to. Interior designing involves planning the architectural integrity of the space inside the structure that is to be changed, developed or renovated. While on the other hand, interior decorating mainly focusses on the appropriate selection of accessories and other items within that space to make it more decorable and attractive. Though both are conceptually different, they have one thing in common i.e. aesthetic sense. Interior designing and decorating serve to remodel any structure to increase its aesthetic beauty without compromising its usefulness at the same time.
Many people believe that interior designing only requires inborn creativity to change structures for good. But it is a false notion. It is true that genuine creativity is a part of this whole process, but it is only one of them. Just by being creative cannot work in this profession. A good interior designer has to have knowledge of many things such as environment, architecture, livability and space sense, planning and buying accessories, and ofcourse a designing and decorating aptitute.
Interior designers should have the capability to design and renovate any structure including restaurants, hotels, shopping complexes, corporate offices, houses, theaters, schools, hospitals, industries and houses. They should be able to use the floor plans and architecture to the best advantage so that the structure is not only livable, beautiful, and decorative but also spacious and useful to its residents at the same time. Matching adequate aesthism along with usability is the tough task of an interior designer and decorator and that is what they get paid for.
Interior desgin industry is a huge industry which has been always growing since decades. In US alsone, the industry revenue was $11,108.4 million in 2007 and though with current econimic crisis, it still is projected to grow though at a lesser rate. Interior design earnings vary widely depending on the disciplines one choses, the experience and ofcourse the reputation. Good creativity aptitude with proper certification and experience is what is required to stay in this industry. As interior designing itself has many disciplines such as residential home designers, commercial establishment designers, industry designers, school designers, hospital designers, commenting on their earnings is difficult. However, for the most part average earnings usually range around $40,000 to $60,000. There is no upper limit to the earnings as it can increase potentially with reputation, experience and the clientele.
The future of interior designing is only limited by imagination and so this industry has always grown and kept on changing. With increased exposure to internet and other resources, even a common man can significantly improve his own home style and design as per his needs. This has been a challenge to this industry and so far it has surpassed it. With increased demand for comfort and environmental friendly living, there will always be a demand for good interior designers and decorators.

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