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DE Interior Decorator
Mary Lou Powers
2 Chapman Lane
Bear, DE 19701
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  • Home Staging

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    Staged Homes of DE


    Consulting and Staging Plan

    Starting @ $200 - incremental increases for larger properties. We will tour the home with you taking notes & digital photos, and provide a customized interior & exterior Home Staging Plan specific to your needs. It will include step-by-step recommendations of things to be done to showcase your home & to broaden its appeal to the greatest number of buyers. Buyers typically can’t see beyond your “stuff” and unique décor, as wonderful as it may be. They want to see a spacious, uncluttered home that they can visualize themselves moving into. This is a great plan for the do-it-yourself homeowner – or- take care of as much as you can or want to, or we will give you a bid to do the actual Staging work for you.

    Staging Bid

    Always complimentary. Staging fees based on project size, creative work and any rental fees. Staged Homes of DE will thoroughly assess your home to generate a Staging Plan or Bid. We can do as little or as much for you according to your time frame and budget restraints…you decide. New furniture & accessories are not required. We typically use the homeowner’s own belongings to re-design the space. On occasion, if necessary, we may recommend rental furniture, purchasing new accessories that you can also use in your new home or we can pull from our own inventory of rental accessories. We will also provide “after” photos for you to use as a quick reference so that your home is always ready to show.

    Vacant Home Staging

    Vacant homes appear cold and uninviting to buyers. To warm up the space we can provide a lighter “vignette” option to give buyers a sense of the space and its utilization; or, if you prefer and budget allows, we offer a heavier, more “fully-furnished” option. We coordinate furniture & accessory rental or use our own inventory of decorator items.

    Move In Services

    You may find that you enjoy living in your new “Staged” space so much that you want to create that same feeling in your new home. Now that your boxes are unpacked, we can help you place your things to create a comfortable & pleasing living space.

    De-clutter and Organize

    Is any part of your home cluttered and out of control? We can help you gain control by organizing your belongings & minimizing the clutter.

    Re-design Staging (for your home)

    Want a new look, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on an interior decorator? Staging one or more of the rooms in your home can infuse new energy and life into a tired space. We can de-clutter, re-arrange & organize to help you achieve that goal. Again, we can do as little or as much as you want to refresh your space.

    Personal Shopping

    Not sure what to buy or hate to shop? We can help with that too!

    Staged Homes of DE

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