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Palmetto Specialty Group LLC
Distributor of Colonial Mills Braided Rugs
Palmetto Specialty Group specializes in decor for home and office.This includes Colonial Mill Braided Rugs which are American made. Art and other items are also sold online. We do individual decorating consulting for Central Florida including Leesburg, Mt. Dora, The Villages and Orlando area.
126 E Palmetto Ave
Howey in the Hills, FL 34737

  • Home and Office Accessories
  • Distributor of Colonial Mills Braided Rugs
    Franecki LLC
    Aniyah Kuhic
    Interior Decorator
    700 Metz Mission
    Berwyn, NE 15073
    Michael Merrill Design Studio Inc.
    Michael Merrill
    Interior Decorator
    520 Pacific Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94133
    Medhurst - Wilderman
    Riley Gaylord
    Interior Decorator
    3947 Mable Common
    West Josianne, ME 68871-5922
    Funk - Bruen
    Santos Shields
    Interior Decorator
    645 Leffler Mountain
    East Maxime, GA 87604
    Kunze and Sons
    Cordia Cummings
    Interior Decorator
    595 Alberto Pike
    Calebstad, SC 04601-2058
    Towne, Lynch and Miller
    Cheyanne Cronin
    Interior Decorator
    041 Amir Curve
    Fort Drakefort, ME 27369
    Kertzmann, Lang and White
    Josiane Nolan
    Interior Decorator
    3001 Gerard Pass
    South Ephraim, IN 90922-5101
    Leslie Hohenfeld Interior Design Services
    Interior Designer
    Mergering your needs & taste with our expertise. We are a full service interior design firm for residential & commercial clients.
    18183 Howe road
    Strongsville, OH 44136
    Interior Designer
    beth egan design
    beth egan
    Interior Decorator
    6200 n. meredith
    chicago, IL 60646
    Ankunding, Maggio and Smitham
    Keira Greenfelder
    Interior Decorator
    367 Rodriguez Cape
    Kulashaven, ME 80663-8785
    Citi Design Studio
    Citi Design Studio
    Interior Decorator
    43 Shop, Wing E, Gurudatta Sahwas Building, Opp. N V Gadgil School, Shaniwar Peth, Pune, Maharashtra
    Pune, TX 411030
    Wintheiser - Gusikowski
    Ronaldo Cummerata
    Interior Decorator
    86213 Ricardo Ferry
    Emmerichport, OK 94986
    InFocus Design
    Interior Design & Room Re-Design
    Choose a designer that is flexible, innovated, creative and knows how to 'make something out of nothing'. A beautiful home, or a perfectly presented listing property for pennies? No problem.

  • Commercial Service

  • Residential Services
  • Interior Design & Room Re-Design
    Kimberly Howell C.I.D.
    Residential and Commercial interior decorator working in and around central Indiana. I have been decorating for well over a decade and have worked with every decorating style as well as with every size budget.
    13418 Dumbarton St
    Carmel, IN 46032
    Kimberly Howell C.I.D.
    Quigley Inc
    Chaya Ritchie
    Interior Decorator
    2483 Rolfson Falls
    West Noe, NE 77169
    Schuster and Sons
    Gideon Stracke
    Interior Decorator
    4649 Jakubowski Springs
    Ewellton, NE 44511-5910
    Huel - Schaden
    Chelsie Kuhn
    Interior Decorator
    1820 Cremin Parkway
    San Angelo, DE 37312-5013
    Cummerata, Murphy and Collier
    Lauryn Crooks
    Interior Decorator
    073 Fadel Dam
    Rippinchester, PA 73659
    Christiansen - Stanton
    Patrick Upton
    Interior Decorator
    747 Emard Coves
    South Claude, CA 53205
    AM Decor Staging and Redesign, LLC
    Aileen Mazzeo
    Staging, Redesign and Interior Decorating
    Aileen Mazzeo
    Olga Adler Interiors
    Interior Design and Decor - Westchester and Fairfield
    About OLGA ADLER is the principal of OLGA ADLER INTERIORS, an interior design firm in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Known for her fondness for simple forms, love of color and unique accessories, she has won acclaim for her refreshing approach to classic design.
    470 Main Street Suite 304
    Ridgefield, CT 06877

  • Home and Style Blog

  • Twitter - homeandstyle
  • WNC Interior D-Zines
    Diana MacCargar
    Interior Decorator
    37 Church Street
    Waynesville, NC 28786
    Interior Designers/Decorators
    Interior Design Services from the comfort of your home on the internet. What could be easier?! If you can navigate the internet…you can transform your home. Hire your personal Interior Designer with the click of a mouse. Get Professional Design Service anytime, anywhere from your laptop in a WIFI Café or your office desktop 24 hours a day.
    P.O. Box 283
    Hinckley, OH 44233
    Interior Designers/Decorators
    Schultz and Sons
    Hassie Bauch
    Interior Decorator
    45324 Will Place
    Luthertown, HI 74816
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     Interior Designers/Decorators

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