Carolyn Wuethrich 6 Golfview Drive Medford, NJ 08055
Show Phone NumberPhone: 609 654-5065
Finally Fabulous Interior Redesign
Let me welcome you to the world of stress free, non-intimidating, interior decorating that you will absolutely enjoy! Perhaps you have had unpleasant experiences with decorators in the past, who may have made you feel uncomfortable in your own home- or have pressured you to spend beyond your budget- or worse, pretty much left you out of the process while spending your money!
My mission is to help you achieve your goals for your home in a way that lets you reflect your own tastes and lifestyles, with a little help from a professional. I do not impose my own personal tastes on you, unless that's what you are looking for. I listen carefully and act on how you would like your home to look and feel. And I perform the makeover in one day, while absolutely respecting the budget you have given me. It's a win-win situation and I have never had an unhappy client yet. :)
As an I.R.I.S. Member I have been trained in redesign, which is mostly rearranging your space and perhaps adding some inexpensive accents or decor. This produces extremely dramatic results.
As an ASP™, I am trained to prepare your house for resale. The goal is to get your house sold for the best price in the least amount of time. Staging works!
I also enjoy traditional redecorating with many clients, but I shop for bargain basement prices for their new merchandise as much as possible. (I have been known to return to stores for further price adjustments of sale items.)
The bottom line is that my clients are very happy and feel like they have used their decorating budget wisely. Call for a consult or for my list of client references…redecorating can really be fun, and staging can really be profitable
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