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Angela Todd Designs
Angela Todd Designs
Angela is an incredibly creative and talented designer with an eye for creating the perfect space. She is particularly expertise with painting and color palettes.
14700 SW Grebe Terrace
Beaverton, OR 97007
Angela Todd Designs
interior & exterior decorator
Interior & Exterior Painting, faux painting, Redesign & remodeling kitchen & bathrooms, home staging, flooring, & color coaching- The HGTV "the wall" winner
17401 Nichols St. Unit M
Huntington Beach, CA 92647



  • Valerie DuVall Interiors
    Valerie DuVall
    Interior Decorator
    119 Rt 6
    Mahopac, NY 10541
    Dickinson LLC
    Garett Lindgren
    Interior Decorator
    0831 Keanu Loaf
    DeKalb, KS 67513-9701
    Staged for Success Interiors
    Interior Designer / Model Home Stager
    Interior Decorator
    4813 Beaver Pond Dr.
    Mount Vernon, WA 98274

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  • Interior Designer / Model Home Stager
    Huel - Bahringer
    Myles Muller
    Interior Decorator
    1674 Kuhn Islands
    Fresno, ME 93154-4765
    Barrows and Sons
    Arvel Kulas
    Interior Decorator
    360 Bennie Highway
    Misaelview, AL 87943-1444
    Feil LLC
    Jeff Barton
    Interior Decorator
    8372 Wiza Meadow
    South Ricky, ME 98452-5954
    Thompson, Quigley and Goodwin
    Jan Torp
    Interior Decorator
    437 Hane Rest
    Astridworth, NE 67574-9245
    Haag - Hills
    Dana Kozey
    Interior Decorator
    86474 Kihn Keys
    Port Lottie, TN 83854
    Mueller Group
    Randall Ernser
    Interior Decorator
    77609 Howell Points
    Andersonfurt, ID 02013
    Aufderhar - Legros
    Alba Jacobs
    Interior Decorator
    20686 Green Walk
    Kentwood, KS 90292
    Huel - Aufderhar
    Michaela Lynch
    Interior Decorator
    42486 Jayce Lock
    North Darryl, SC 30059-1884
    Herzog - O'Hara
    Nathanael Murphy
    Interior Decorator
    225 Ole Loop
    New Meagan, ME 01782
    Tremblay - Lesch
    Stacey Cole
    Interior Decorator
    060 Hansen Tunnel
    Schuppefort, OR 77936-0726
    Wunsch - Hettinger
    Marietta Heidenreich
    Interior Decorator
    7490 Sandra Manors
    New Yoshiko, AL 70165-9597
    Langosh - Homenick
    Golden Goyette
    Interior Decorator
    4835 Kozey Island
    North Edenfield, NE 06515
    Welcome Home Design
    Susan VerPlank
    Interior Decorator
    813 E. Brandybrook Rd.
    Wales, WI 53183
    Rice - McDermott
    Ephraim Murphy
    Interior Decorator
    90169 Green Expressway
    New Myriam, ME 49204
    ACEA Interior Decorating
    Elisa DeJean
    Interior Decorator
    ACEA Beauty Supply
    Baltimore, MD 21286
    Nikolaus Group
    Evalyn Waters
    Interior Decorator
    58897 Jodie Roads
    Trompbury, FL 78305-7805
    Accentuate...Designer Decor in a Day
    Redesign...Using your existing or new furnishings
    SERVING THE MIS-SOUTH...TENNESSEE, MISSISSIPPI, AND ARKANSAS We at Accentuate can show you all the ingredients that are necessary for a well designed space that exists in your home or business. You can have a beautiful professional design that's easy on the wallet in just one day. We can also help you shop to create your own personal designer decor. Accentuate...Transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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  • Home Staging
  • Redesign...Using your existing or new furnishings
    Oberbrunner - Schimmel
    Jillian Heller
    Interior Decorator
    9257 Kerluke Neck
    South Myrnamouth, ME 30919-7162
    Robel, Shanahan and Funk
    Roscoe Heller
    Interior Decorator
    555 Rogers Corner
    New Domenica, CA 66150-9727
    Pfannerstill, Prosacco and Kohler
    Susie Corwin
    Interior Decorator
    6875 Cartwright Knolls
    Aleenview, TN 84869-5689
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     Interior Designers/Decorators

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