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Your souce for information on furniture industry, history, and design....
The Eminent Furniture Designers Follow these links to biographical and design data about some of the individuals who have made significant contributions in the fields of furniture and interior design. The amount of information on each one varies from a paragraph to a page to an entire website. Many of these links will take you to the excellent web site, Great Buildings Online . Individuals Alvar Aalto /1898-1976/ Finnish architect and designer of furniture, lighting, textiles and glass. Eero Aarnio / 1932- / Finnish interior and industrial designer. James Adam /1732-1794/ Scottish architect and designer. Robert Adam /1728-1792/ Scottish architect and designer. Jacques Adnet /1900-1984/ French architect and decorator. Jean Adnet / French designer. André-Leon Arbus /1903-1969/ French architect and decorator Charles Robert Ashbee /1863-1942/ British architect, furniture, furnishings and jewelry designer Hugh Mackay Baillie Scott /1865-1945/ British arch...