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interior decorator, interior decorator training, interior design, interior design training, principles of design and color, certified interior decorator, Penn Foster, Penn Foster Career School, Education Direct...
Become an Interior Decorator with at home training from Penn Foster Career School....
STUDENT LOGIN USA SITE Choose Your Country --------------------------- USA Canada All Other Countries --------------------------- HOME ABOUT US BLOG --> STUDENT CENTER ASSOCIATE DEGREES FROM PENN FOSTER COLLEGE (AZ) CAREER DIPLOMAS CERTIFICATES HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA CONTACT US ACCREDITATION --> Home : All Programs : Interior Decorator, Program Overview PROGRAM OVERVIEW PROGRAM OUTLINE CAREER OUTLOOK TUITION AND FEES ACCREDITATION HOW IT WORKS STUDENT TESTIMONIALS --> NEW! CAREER SERVICES Interior Decorator PROGRAM OVERVIEW Become an Interior Decorator with at home training from Penn Foster Career School. Develop your natural talent for interior design with the Penn Foster Interior Decorator Program and work for homebuilders, retailers, hotels, corporate clients, or even start your own business. It's convenient , affordable, and accredited . You'll learn to: Determine your client's needs and priorities. Use the elements and principles of design and color. Choose the best...