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E%2C+like+it+or+not&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=SILVER&layoutType=LAYOUTS& marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no frameborder=0 height=30px width=100% id=navbar-iframe title=Blogger Navigation and Search> skip to main | skip to sidebar Friday, August 22, 2008 The Poet as Interior Decorator By Ted Burke In Another Country is a big , comfortable chair of a poem to write, a familiar and over upholstered seat in the middle of a crowded room where the poet can plop and sink into the cushions, gaze at the books and ephemera surrounding here, musing, or rather half musing, on a snail-paced account of the week that is more wistful than touching, brittle rather than robust. Mazur has written of being dislocated before, and has done some interesting things with the idea of culture shock within the larger stretches of one's own culture meeting up wit...