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Home Stagers Montgomery County PA, Staging First Impressions
Margie Wildason
1211 Alexander Ave
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
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    Stage One Decorators LLC

    We have been extensively trained and certified by Home Staging Resource the only “accredited” training in the staging field. We are members of American Society of Home Stagers and Redesigners and the Real Estate Staging Association.  Both of these affiliations allow Stage One Decorators to stay up to date with all the latest techniques and trends in the staging world.

    Lorraine has a background in real estate and relocations and understands your needs when it comes to getting your home ready to sell. Over the past ten years she worked for a decorating company doing one on one consultations through direct sales. She has earned a certificate in interior decorating. Walking into a room she can size it up in an instance and show you how to arrange your furniture for a dynamic display. One that will take the focus off of your belongings and onto the focal points of your property. Whether you are selling your home or doing a redesign Lorraine can take you from beginning to end. She has an eye for detail that will get the job done.

    Margie has been in the decorating field for the past eighteen years as a independent contractor in direct sales. Working with client’s one on one and doing presentations for small groups she has taught the decorating basics. Helping clients change their homes room by room has been her dedication and drive. Attending many seminars and conferences over the years has kept her up to date on the latest trends and techniques for decorating, staging and marketing.  She has earned her certificate in interior decorating, attended QC Design School and graduated from Neumann College.

    Together we have over 21 years in the decorating and marketing field. Passion and dedication are what keep us motivated to bring you the most up to date and on trend decorating ideas.


    Consultation and Proposal:

    We will meet with the home owner and /or Realtor to discuss the staging of the property and how to get the maximum impact while working within the client’s budget. A walk thru is performed at the home room by room and photos are taken. We provide a comprehensive written proposal of suggestions that will help sell your home quickly. A credit of $100 is given when our staging services are hired.  $150.00

    Half and Full Day Staging Services:

    Staging services provided using what you already have in your home. Key placement of furniture will give your home the maximum impact it needs. Decorative accessories are added to give it that finished look. Additional services available as needed on an individual basis. Starting at $450.00. Cleaning services are available for an additional fee.

    Vacant Home Staging:

    Furniture rental packages as well as accessories to complete the look. We supervise the furniture delivery and room placement. Add accessories and pull the room together. Color consultations are also available.


    Taking what you already have to redo, reuse and redesign a room. Give us a day to take your room to next level. Everything old can look new again. Starting at $450.00.

    Shopping Services:

    Personalized shopping done on a budget for any room or occasion. Tell us your needs and we will do the leg work. $50.00/hr

    Holiday Decorating Services:

    Let Stage One take the STRESS out of your Holidays! From trimming the tree to elegant tablescapes we can create a beautiful backdrop for all your Holiday entertaining. Both office and home decorating available packages starting at $150

    The holidays come but once a year~let us make your home a winter wonderland. Unique ideas and themes for those special occasions.

    Discounted Realtor Partnership Packages:

    We work with Real Estate agent partners by offering discounted home staging packages to their client’s listings. In today’s market you need a little extra effort  to give a property a  gentle push for the better.

    Organize and De clutter:

    The first step to moving is to de clutter. We can make this a less stressful task for you. Let us get you organized, boxed and packed so when you make the move it is easy to unpack and re decorate. Perfect for the long time homeowner who does not know where to begin. $100.00/hr

    Stage One Decorators LLC
    Home Stagers Montgomery County PA, Staging First Impressions


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