Cathy Bleecker Tarrant County Bedford, TX 76021
Show Phone NumberPhone: 817.239.9269 Alt. Phone: 817.581.4884
Altered Interiors
altered INTERIORS services are customized to fit your needs. We have a solution that’s perfect for your budget whether it is full service decorating or making the most of what you already own.
Your home is ALL about you! It tells your story and the items you already own are the ones that make your home yours. Express the style you love.
I believe everyone should benefit from consulting with a design professional. Having a well decorated home does not have to cost a lot of money because “It’s not what you have but how you arrange it!”
Interior ReDesign - Homes Designed that SELL- Relocation Design - Consultations
Custom Drapery & Window Designs - Blinds, Shades, Shutters
A real decorator for real people.
TX Interior Decorator