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Kimo Stowell
1515 Nuuanu Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96817
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    JDS Consulting

    What we do:
    As Real Estate marketing specialists we assist homeowners, Realtors and investors in merchandising their properties before placing the unit(s) on the market; maximizing profits with speedier sales.
    We offer on-line consultations, as well as, vis-a-vis appointments with recommendations made and executed quickly. We walk you through a detailed checklist from curb to closet; addressing curb appeal, landscaping, lighting, wall colors, storage and more.
    We also offer services to fully enhance your properties marketing power, such as Virtual Tours and Open House Hosting, as well as, Turn Key services, Interior Redesign, and Interior Decorating.
    Interior Redesign or just simply Redesign, frequently featured on television and in decorating magazines, is the artful utilization of what you already have in decor and simply rearranging the room to create a revitalized, more useful space. The ultimate goal is to create a space that is balanced and harmonious while simultaneously reflecting the personalities of the inhabitants.
    Interior Decorating is about describing the personality and style of an individual through their home with furnishings, art, and personal items they have collected.
    Staging differs from interior decorating in one important way, depersonalization.
    Staging’s objective is to create an environment that appeals to as many potential buyers as possible. When a potential buyer enters a property the object is to sell the property not your personal style
    Welcome to JDS Consulting:

    Where the Art and Science of Real Estate Merchandising meet. Here you will discover tips and useable information on how to release the full profit potential of your property for sale. 
    First impressions are priceless and  in the  Real Estate market, potential buyers are often sold on a property within seconds of walking through the front door.
    Capturing the hearts and minds of potential buyers through effective Real Estate merchandising is both an art and a science and should not be overlooked as a highly effective sales tool; capitalizing on the emotionality of home buyers.
    JDS Consulting of Hawaii nei provides a list of services to help Realtors and sellers  prepare their properties for a sale
    Why staging:
    Real Estate, is often the most valuable asset  we posses and yet many find it difficult to effectively display a property for sale.
    Using a professional stager can add serious value to your bottom line at minimal cost. Staging allows potential buyers the opportunity to see the assets of the property rather than focus their attention on broken fixtures, clutter, and stagnant design
    Often times we simply don’t have the time to amply prepare a property for sale or we just don’t know where to begin. That’s when a professional stager can help. We identify problem areas and offer workable solutions that can be executed in days not weeks or months.

    Our services are affordable and often pay for themselves with the money saved from your property spending less time on the market. A well staged property can attract serious buyers with better offers.

    JDS Consulting
    Honolulu Interior Decorator

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